I recently read of a new rule set by the FTC for bloggers. If you write reviews or any copy about products, books or services, you have to reveal if you got something in return. Did you get paid? Did you get a review copy? Did you get a kickback when someone bought the product through an affiliate program linked to your site (like Amazon, for instance)?
I haven't been paid for writing reviews, but I have gotten some review copies of books. I also have a website with affiliate links to Amazon. I have to be sure and put a disclaimer on my sites that explain how I was compensated.
If you visit this link http://michaelhyatt.com/2010/01/five-ways-to-comply-with-the-new-ftc-guidelines-for-bloggers.html you can learn more about the ruling. Michael Hyatt also offers free usage of the disclaimer blurbs he has written.
In Memoriam: Janet Reid
9 months ago
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